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Chart #C

0.1 ( +31.16%)
Beli - Sell -
Bid/Ask: - / - Setiap hari range: / 52 minggu: Harga penutup terlebih dahulu 64.0543 Harga pembukaan 64.0543
Instrumen bid ask Spread Percentage
#AA 39.29 39.32 0.1 -18.74%
#AXP 270.56 270.76 0.1 +76.15%
#BA 146.65 146.70 0.1 -15.96%
#BABA 109.24 109.27 0.1 +45.11%
#BAC 39.82 39.85 0.1 +5.74%
#BK 74.06 74.08 0.1 +62.48%
#C 63.30 63.33 0.1 +31.16%
#CAT 395.76 395.95 0.1 +67.34%
#CSCO 53.47 53.50 0.1 +9.66%
#COP 112.06 112.10 0.1 -11.62%
#CVX 150.87 150.89 0.1 -18.14%
#DIS 92.72 92.75 0.1 -5.80%
#EBAY 65.88 65.91 0.1 +47.32%
#GE 187.88 187.92 0.1 +114.35%
#GS 501.48 501.68 0.1 +29.96%
#GM 47.54 47.57 0.1 +18.97%
#HAL 30.79 30.82 0.1 -14.92%
#HD 410.34 410.54 0.1 +26.65%
#HOG 33.72 33.75 0.1 -28.65%
#HPQ 36.75 36.77 0.1 +22.62%
#IBM 232.53 232.59 0.1 +56.40%
#INTC 23.10 23.13 0.1 -21.80%
#JNJ 160.67 160.70 0.1 -9.64%
#JPM 212.24 212.26 0.1 +55.59%
#KO 69.11 69.14 0.1 +10.68%
#KHC 34.78 34.81 0.1 -11.00%
#MA 497.48 497.75 0.1 +42.54%
#MCD 303.85 303.96 0.1 +10.85%
#MMM 133.46 133.50 0.1 +3.43%
#MSFT 415.59 415.66 0.1 +68.05%
#MSI 464.12 464.53 0.1 +74.18%
#NFLX 731.51 731.86 0.1 +155.35%
#NKE 82.11 82.13 0.1 -23.07%
#OXY 54.64 54.67 0.1 -22.57%
#PM 119.30 119.33 0.1 +21.75%
#PG 168.91 168.94 0.1 +14.87%
#SBUX 94.02 94.06 0.1 -5.19%
#SLB 44.75 44.78 0.1 -11.89%
#T 21.21 21.24 0.1 +10.53%
#VZ 42.97 42.99 0.1 +9.56%
#WMT 79.59 79.62 0.1 -47.74%
#V 277.15 277.21 0.1 +30.31%
#XOM 123.47 123.50 0.1 +8.39%
#AZN 117.55 117.61 0.1 +78.54%
#BYND 6.38 6.41 0.1 -49.53%
#COIN 164.95 165.09 0.1 +272.26%
#MS 108.07 108.10 0.1 +20.49%
#NVDA 134.50 134.53 0.1 -16.99%
#PFE 29.32 29.34 0.1 -40.32%
#QCOM 167.60 167.66 0.1 +34.82%
#ADS 232.100 232.300 0.1 +84.35%
#AIR 127.939 127.961 0.1 +12.56%
#BAS 47.409 47.416 0.1 -4.99%
#BATS 27.040 27.050 0.1 -18.92%
#BAYN 26.794 26.801 0.1 -51.97%
#BMW 76.679 76.701 0.1 -9.10%
#BN 64.75 64.79 0.1 +27.71%
#BNP 62.019 62.031 0.1 +15.62%
#CBK 16.714 16.726 0.1 +104.15%
#DAI 57.230 57.270 0.1 -8.52%
#DBK 16.021 16.027 0.1 +52.31%
#DTE 27.259 27.271 0.1 +37.83%
#GLEN 4.2114 4.2121 0.1 -21.52%
#GSK 15.0349 15.0401 0.1 +8.68%
#LHA 6.479 6.483 0.1 -14.13%
#LLOY 0.5927 0.5931 0.1 +25.81%
#NESN 83.75 83.79 0.1 -26.05%
#NOVN 98.57 98.61 0.1 +19.91%
#OR 390.40 390.45 0.1 +11.29%
#SAP 206.149 206.201 0.1 +95.48%
#SHEL 25.9499 25.9551 0.1 +10.45%
#SIE 183.179 183.201 0.1 +39.92%
#ULVR 47.8299 47.8401 0.1 +15.97%
#VOD 0.7455 0.7459 0.1 -19.84%
#VOW3 92.999 93.021 0.1 -32.17%
#GMKN 104 104 0.0 -99.29%
#IRAO 3.8590 3.8595 0.1 +19.38%
#MAGN 43.475 43.480 0.1 +40.90%
#NLMK 134.98 135.00 0.1 +27.24%
#NVTK 987.4 987.6 0.1 -8.22%
#SBER 259.95 259.99 0.1 +90.15%
#TATN 618.50 618.60 0.1 +68.67%
#VTB 86.29999 86.31001 0.1 +508144.94%

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