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Mula berdagangmasa | Negara | kepentingan | peristiwa | lepas | ramalan | fakta |
23:30 10.10.24 | USA | Fed's Balance Sheet Fed's Balance Sheet | 7,047B | |||
23:30 10.10.24 | USA | Reserve Balances with Federal Reserve Banks Reserve Balances with Federal Reserve Banks | 3.097T | |||
00:30 11.10.24 | New Zealand | Business NZ PMI (Sep) Business NZ PMI (Sep) | 45.8 | |||
00:45 11.10.24 | New Zealand | FPI (MoM) (Sep) FPI (MoM) (Sep) | 0.2% | |||
00:45 11.10.24 | New Zealand | External Migration & Visitors (Aug) External Migration & Visitors (Aug) | 3.80% | |||
00:45 11.10.24 | New Zealand | Permanent/Long-Term Migration (Aug) Permanent/Long-Term Migration (Aug) | 3,030 |